The above photo was taken on 27th October 2012, during BigBang's Alive Tour Concert in MALAYSIA. <3
..................... Move your cursor over them to see them dancing! (If they're not already)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I'm SO EMOOOOOO. TT Why isn't BigBang attending the awards? Isn't it supposed to be Korea's most prestigious award? No artists will skip the Grammy's, so why are you skipping it my oppas... ... T___T

Here's the confirmed attendees list of GDA 2013 in Malaysia.

I know I should be glad that GD is even coming. And I know he stands a very big chance to win too, if not because of Gangnam Style PSY oppa. Hehe, they're both from YG, so no comments on who's winning there, although I really hope my leader oppa will win it.

ANYWAYS, this post is on RANTING WHY MY OTHER OPPAS ARE NOT COMING. TT Wae? WAE? WAEEEEEE???? YOU'VE PROMISED US YOU'LL COME AGAIN, OPPAS. Quoted from what Taeyang said during their Alive Tour concert in Malaysia, "Even though it's time to say goodbye, BUT, we promise, we're gonna (be) here VERY SOON." You must keep your promises oppas. TT

I'm SUPER EMO now. I couldn't help it. All these "OMG GDA is gonna be held in Malaysia!" has had me all hyped up about it and I really had HIGH expectations that all FIVE of them will come together. I mean, this year was awesome for them. Their Fantastic Baby was/is a hit. Monster was/is daebak. Blue got me into KPOP. And they're gained so many fans this year, their popularity has went up a good lot of notches. Then WHY AREN'T THEY COMING AS FIVE THEN?


Alright alright, they're big stars; they've got too many important things to do and their schedules are fully packed. I know I know. What with Daesung coming out with his own Japanese solo album in February and all (BUY IT), I know they'd be damn busy. But still, you should not have skipped GDA really, oppas. Malaysian VIPs are very upset. But THANK YOU, GD, thank you for confirming your attendance. The clouds smiled and flowers bloomed when you did, and the soil came out with more moisture for the plants to grow better. You're the reason I'm looking forward to this coming GDA, oh and Yong Hwa and Hong Ki as well.

PS I really hope BIGBANG is only NOT CONFIRMED COMING, instead of CONFIRMED NOT COMING. Oh well, being positive won't kill. :)

Till then, peace outtt (still very emo TT)
Carmen N.
VIP Until Whenever

Friday, December 14, 2012

Taeyang and ME!

Went to KLCC today to shop and searched the whole place for the 'Mini school bus toy car' that Taeyang sat in and took pic during BB's stay in Malaysia for the Alive Concert. The concert was on October 27th (Saturday) and GD & Tae went shopping on next day (Sunday Oct 28th). Here's a pic.

He posted it in his Instagram that day. And I knew I MUST go there and check out the toy car. Yes I'm just that crazy. Didn't really have time until after exam though. So ANYWAY, I went there today and FINALLY found it. TT 

It's located beside NEW ZEALAND NATURAL Ice Cream on the 3rd floor.

Here's my snapshot and comparison. Hahaha. 

One on 121028, one on 121214. Hoho, I've INDIRECTLY TOUCHED my oppa. Yay. Call me childish, but IMMATURITY KEEPS ME YOUNG (quoted from mychonny).

Honestly, the phototaking session was kinda embarassing. I mean, there were shoppers walking around all the time and I had to stuck my whole body in like a wannabe kid. It took me 3 tries to get a shot I'm satisfied with. xD And that with New Zealand Natural beside, with the seats full of people enjoying their ice-cream. I doubt they noticed me though, the divider was kinda high.

I've gone to KLCC once before my exams though, to fetch my sis from her part-time work. And I grabbed the opportunity to snap some pics of VERSACE - the shop GD spent RM40,000 inside. There were 3 outlets in KLCC.

 VERSACE - Office wear

I think the third outlet was the one that GD spent a whole 40k inside. It's casual and more GD style. Can't imagine GD buying suits and formal wears although he do wear them sometimes in interviews or shows.

Okay, so, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. My next would be to stalk them during their GDA trip to Malaysia. BigBang, you've just GOTTA come. You've promised us with a, "We promise you, we'll see you VERY SOON." and it ain't cool to break it. This is the BEST opportunity to fulfil your promise! :DD GD has confirmed to come though. YAY.

Till then, peace out. xoxo
Carmen N.
VIP Until Whenever

Friday, December 7, 2012

Daesung's releasing his VERY OWN SOLO ALBUM

Alright, so most of the VIPs must've gotten the news by now. Our Daesung is FINALLY coming out with his VERY OWN SOLO ALBUM next year, February 27! But it's a JAPANESE album and it's COVERS and not orginals, but inclusive of his previous own solos, WINGS and BABY DON'T CRY.

At first, I was very pissed at why he's releasing his first album in Japan but not in his home country Korea. I mean, I don't have anything against JVIPs but isn't this a little too much? What would the KVIPs think, knowing that Dae's very first solo is to be released in Japan instead of his home country, Korea? BUT then, I went on to search on Google about this and got this really useful load of information from a forum (I've forgotten which, :/)

He/She translated these from Chinese from a thread in Weibo.

Fact about Daesung’s new solo album

"Daesung has always had his own thinking. Plus, he has said that this solo album is a special gift for the fans. It won't be a long time till he releases his solo album in Korea. So please anticipate.

As YG couldn't give a date for the release of Daesung's solo album, AVEX, noting his melodic voice and talents, invited him to release his Cover Album in Japan. Daesung obviously took that chance. In Japan, only a certain line of singers are able to release Cover Albums.
Daesung's solo album has actually been prepared 2-3 years ago but due to unforeseen circumstances, the release was delayed. But he has never stopped working on the production, learning different musical instruments in the process.

Daesung's solo album includes him being the producer, lyricist. The team members in the production crew were all chosen by him. It is only after the completion of the album will he discuss the release and activities with YG.

For Daesung, his first solo album has to be released in Korea for the Korean fans. While YG has not given him a date yet, he has made use of the chance given by AVEX, approved by YG, because Daesung has his own decision rights. If he can have a breakthrough in the Japan market, then it'll be good, especially for the subsequent release of his Korean album. It is also beneficial for the group.

For many years, Daesung has been highly concerned about his singing career. He has been working hard to establish himself as both a singer and a musician. His efforts are no doubt put in. "

There. I'm not sure about the genuineness about this article but it seems true and I don't have time to search for more info - ACCA papers are next week ><. Anyways, I've seen some misunderstood VIPs who left comments around the Web dissing about Dae not releasing in Korea and it's only a cover album and stuffs. It hurts to see fans say hurtful stuffs about my lovely Dae especially when they did not know the real truth behind.

This Japanese Album is just a side project of Daesung, he's currently working behind the scenes, learning new musical instruments, and is in the process of producing his very own original solo album. AND he's said that his own original solo album MUST BE IN KOREA. So, we VIPs must just wait patiently. :)

I'll be waiting for his Korean solo album but I'm definitely buying his Japanese one too, it's his VERY OWN FIRST SOLO after all. :)

Till then, peace out
Carmen N.
VIP Until Whenever

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BigBang Alive Tour, 27th October 2012, KL Malaysia

Okay, now that my finals is FINALLY over, I've got some spare time to write down my experience last Saturday, the day where history was created; the day where approximately 15,000 people had one of the best moments of their lives; the day which I'll never, ever, EVER, forget for the rest of MY  life. My free time is not long though, sitting for 3 papers in the coming December. D:

ANYWAY, this is gonna be a FULL BLOG on whatever related to the concert, including how I bought my tickets and the aftermath of the concert etc. Let's hope it's not too excessively long. ^o^v

Malaysia and Phillipines were the TWO EARLIEST countries to be confirmed as part of the Alive Tour lists. It was on May 15 and was just a couple of weeks after I got head over heels for BigBang. HECK WAS I EXCITED. I was in the middle of total fangirling over them and suddenly bang! They're coming to Malaysia to have a concert! CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW THAT FEELS? It's an awesome, truly indescribable feeling, TvT

The exact date was confirmed later - to be on 27th October 2012 - and I then started to save the money for it. I'm really lucky to be having a two-month internship from the end of May to July then, or else I couldn't have bought a good seat for the concert. T_T Thank You, God, for the excellent timing. Thank You.

Ticket launch was on July 28 - a Saturday. Unfortunately I'd signed up to be one of the volunteers of the Famine Camp and the first day of the camp so coincidentally fell on that EXACT day of the ticket-launching, and being volunteers we had to reach the camp site a day before the real camp day.

But no problem, as I'd already pre-ordered the tickets before the ticket launch. This method was actually taught by my friends - SONEs - who failed to buy their tickets for the SNSD's concert in Singapore and had to pre-order the tickets with the SONE fan club when SNSD confirmed a second concert day in SG. They told me that the tickets-purchasing was CRAZY as the system was purely online for Singapore, if your connection is slow, bam! in 10 minutes all tickets would be sold out. So, to play safe, I made up my mind to pre-order.

And that was heck of a brilliant decision too, VIPs queued up to purchase the tickets at Pavillion at as early as 12pm ON THE DAY BEFORE. You can refer to this link here to look at the  SUPER LONG ENDLESSLY-TWISTING QUEUE that day. 
BigBang Alive Tour Ticket Launch in Malaysia 120728 << link

I pre-ordered with the local BigBang fanclub BB1st. They only charged RM1 as processing fee. I'm really grateful for all their hard work really. They needed to pre-order I think about 1 or 2,000 tickets, collect the money, make sure all tally, pay the organiser, and think of ways to distribute them to us VIPs. 
Their commitment is really daebak. I truly, truly, salute them. Thank you, BB1st. It's really sad that you need to close down. :( But all of us Malaysian VIPs do appreciate all the work that you've done for the concert. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME. ;)

Besides pre-ordering the tickets (I've bought STANDING tickets - you just HAVE to if you're attending BigBang's concert), I've also bought 2 of the official crownsticks online (version 3) - one for me and one for Cathy.

They're beautiful~! T_T It's quite expensive but it's a one-off investment and I can bring it to their concerts EVERY TIME. And it's honestly a must-have for their concerts, so I think it's worth it. And I've scrimped and saved like you can't imagine how during my internship in order to make this concert happen to me. And I'm gonna make sure I'm fully-equipped for it - actually fully-equipped here means only the light stick. xD

They arrived in Malaysia at 7.45pm, straight from Manila, Phillipines after only half a day rest from their Manila concert on October 24. My oppas are hardworking, TT

I SO WANTED to go to KLIA to witness their arrival in the airport but my finals was only a week away - November 2nd. I was studying my heart out so that I'd be able to enjoy the concert fully, hence I had to give the airport-sighting a miss. *sob sob* But it turned out that BigBang left the airport using the VIP exit instead of going through the main arrival hall. It's really disappointing to those VIPs who went there purposely to wait for them especially those who couldn't attend their concert, but at the same time, my decision of not going was justified. :S

My sister said that BigBang was sighted at Leisure Mall that night, they've booked a whole cinema room to watch a movie by themselves. Those staffs who served them are just plain lucky I tell you.

In order to prepare for the historical day, I've ticked October 26 out of my study-days list. My sister, Cathy, and I prepared for the fanchants - it's really a heavy load for us new VIPs to remember all at once TT, bought food and snacks, disposable raincoats as ours is an open-air stadium.

In the afternoon, the BB1st fanpage on Facebook had already shown a group of VIPs queueing up in Stadium Merdeka. They queued at about 11 IN THE MORNING if I'm not mistaken. They really got me anxious 'cause we only planned to depart at 3.50am the next day. My plan was to sleep at 8pm but I ended up sleeping at 11pm. /.\

This is something I really wanna smack myself on the wall HARD.
This is actually a moving icon (if you'd just move your cursor over the picture), it's supposed to move automatically, -.-

It's SUCH an important day but I DIDN'T take ENOUGH pictures! I should've snapped EVERY SINGLE  MOMENT on the concert day itself. I'm not talking about DURING the concert, I'm talking about BEFORE, the queueing time, the waiting time, GOSH I THINK I WAS JUST TOO EXCITED. This sound clip here FULLY describe my current feeling. OTL
  << LISTEN!
Anyways, there's no use crying over spilt milk, we did take some pictures - thanks to Cathy - and I've covered it up with some pictures which I took after the concert. So let's continue.

Woke up at around 2.30am and made sandwich with Cathy. Left the house at around 4am. Fetched my friend Shy Chyi - my secondary school classmate of whom I've lost contact until this concert made us meet up again - and Cathy's schoolmate - Mun Chun (MC). Bought a hash brown and a regular fries from Mc Donald's.
After all the hustle and bustle, we reached Stadium Merdeka at 4.40am. There was already a large group of VIPs - at least to me, almost 80 EACH in section A and section B - camping there with sleeping beds and all. We couldn't find the main entrance of the Tun Maharajalela LRT Station which I initially planned to park my car there and we ended up parking the roadside of the stadium. Our car was damn near to the place which we queued.

We approached the group of VIPs queueing and here's one thing I REALLY like about them. A few of the VIPs came out with a system whereby you need to sort of register yourself before you queue up, after 'registering', you'd be given a number and have to queue up according to your number. This is actually a very systematic approach; reducing the chances of the latecomers to cut queue while ensuring the early ones to queue with discipline. The numbers were given to us by writing on the back our palms with a yellow luminous marker pen.

C3-14. We were the 14th group to arrive in our section, but in terms of people,  there were already 60 VIPs in front of us! And that's JUST our SECTION - CAT3.  We really thought we'd at least grabbed the top 30 spots as we've reached there at dawn. I guess I underestimated the power of VIPs.

After settling down in our own small queueing space, we greeted the VIPs right in front of us. There were 3 of them but all of them bought different sections. There was only one who was from our category, her name's Ah Mee, also taking ACCA like me but currently working in the banking industry. She's the only one I've remembered to ask for a facebook contact, /.\ 

Peace! This is Shy Chyi and me. It was still dawn when we settled down to queue.

Le sis holding the camera~

The queue from our point of view. These were the earlycomers.
The Sun finally showed it's pweety face. Selca with Cathy.

Munching the sandwich that we made in the morning. I looked terrible. I guess it's my spects, or my mouth.
Posing with our beloved tickets!

Later, we went to the toilet and saw the Samsung Galaxy capsules poster kinda thing but it was enclosed with a line divider. Only got to take this picture outside the divider. 

The crews didn't allow us to enter the "capsule" with my oppas 'cause there's gonna be activities later held by Samsung, only then you could officially enter and take pictures. 

A damn lot of stalls were already setting up, selling bigbang lanyards, cards, T-shirts, badges and stuffs. Most of them are unofficial merchandises. Our seats then got more packed as more VIPs arrived. I had to shift my car from the roadside to a more-legal-but-not-very parking lot to avoid being saman. I was charged RM10, a few hours later they raised the rate to RM15. I saw on the newspapers that the parking rates went as high as RM60 as it shifted near evening! Crazy people knows how to earn money. 

We collected the blue and red LEDS from BB1st crews and volunteers as well as the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WITH TOP" banner. All these were for our missions in the concert.
The blue and red LED lights which can be strapped over our fingers. Cool stuffs.

The "Happy Birthday with TOP" banner. A4 sized.
Okay, before I continue, let me just summarise our planned missions.

1. Red mission 
To off all of our yellow crownsticks and to light up ONLY the RED LED DURING the "FANTASTIC BABY" performance.

2. Blue mission 
To off all of our yellow crownsticks and to light up ONLY the BLUE LED DURING the "BLUE" performance.

3. TOP Birthday mission
To hold the "HAPPY BIRTHDAY WITH TOP" banner up high AFTER the "HARU HARU" performance while SINGING the Happy Birthday song to TOP.

4. Encore mission
To sing BigBang's Until Whenever DURING the ENCORE session when BigBang are backstage.

Cathy and I had been practising the 'Until Whenever" song hard before the concert. We really hoped that the Encore mission would be a success as it's really difficult to get all the VIPs to sing together in sync, I mean face it, there were 15,000 of us! Plus this song is not very famous, not many VIPs even knew about it. In fact, I only knew of it because of this mission. Okay, since we've reached this topic, I might as well enlighten some of you who didn't know the story behind this song.

The Story behind BigBang's "Until Whenever"

In 2007, BigBang was accused of plagiarism on 2 songs: "Lies" and "Babo". In order to thank the fans who still stuck with them till the end despite periods of tough times, G-Dragon (together with Kim Do Hyun) composed and produced this song "Until Whenever" to dedicate to all of the VIPs. It was first introduced and sung to the fans in Busan during BigBang's Global Warming concert tour. It was never officially released because GD said that he didn't want put the song on sale as VIPs SHOULD NOT PAY FOR BIGBANG'S THANKS FOR THEM. That's really so thoughtful! =') (I'm not sure about this fact though, I read about this on a highest-rated youtube comment, but it's the kind of thing GD would do, so I'd believe it). 
Since, this song was not in any of the other albums, MANY VIPs WEREN'T AWARE OF THE EXISTENCE OF THIS SONG.
But it's a really beautiful song; it's got very meaningful lyrics. It should honestly be exposed to more VIPs.
If you haven't heard of it before, please do listen to it here, it's also with english subs. BigBang's Until Whenever (eng sub) << link

So, back to the main topic. Cathy and I bought some BigBang badges from one of the stalls. Cathy likes to collect badges and I'm kinda influenced by her on that. 

We bought 3 small ones and 1 big badge EACH and we decorated our vests with the badges straight away after buying them but 2 of them got lost during the concert due to our excessive jumping and squeezing and body-kissing-and-rubbing acts with all the other VIPs. :(

Besides all the free stuffs for the missions, BB1st also distributed some free GD stuffs.

We got free BigBang bangles from Samsung too but I lost mine during the concert. /.\ This is Cathy's one.

Later, Cathy and I queued up for the photo-redemption at the capsules booth. The sun was sweltering hot and the queue was damn bluddy long. But, never mind, we had nothing to do anyways. I chatted up with some VIPs while waiting for our turn. A VIP came from Johor and reached the stadium at 10am. Another younger one - in secondary school - was from KL, and GUESS WHAT? She and her gang of friends CAME AS EARLY AS 9AM ON THURSDAY25th October 2012THAT'S FREAKIN' 2 DAYS BEFORE THE CONCERT!

While we were in the queue, somebody cheered suddenly from behind. I turned around and saw G-Dragon in his 'Mini-album countdown live" outfit!
Extracted from his video in his "One of A Kind" album countdown. You can watch it here if you want G-Dragon One of A Kind album Countdown Live (eng subs) << link
Yellow cap, bubble-gum pink-blue hair, black shades, sharp light blue long-sleeve, short grey jeans belted and a pair of sneakers. It was EXACTLY the same outfit I tell you. But of course the person is not GD, duh~! GD won't be lingering around outside the stadium unprotected, or else he'd be hugged and kissed and squeezed and pushed by a thousand fans ALL AT ONCE and GOODNESS KNOWS WHAT MORE can the VIPs do. Kidnap him, maybe. 

Anyways, this guy that we saw, he was the EXACT parody of GD. That's a polite wording I'd prefer to use. Harsh people would call it a GD wannabe. Being the angel that I am, of course I'd call him a parody rather than a wannabe. And he's really so alike too, ESPECIALLY when he smiled, but he's just too short. I wanted to take a picture with him actually, but we were queueing and all so I ended up not.

It's really too bad that I didn't snap a photo of him, and I couldn't search for his photo on the Internet either. But LUCKILY, I bought  the E-Pop magazine Nov 2 edition and they've news about the concert. SO FORTUNATELY the GD Parody was in one of the pictures there!

Captured from E-Pop magazine November 2nd Edition.

Don't they just look alike? In terms of outfit and a little bit on their features too. But the Parody is a little girlish and a little too short.

At about 2pm, our queue changed location to a section nearer to the stadium as our original location were getting over-crowded and it was blocking traffic. The clouds started regurgitating small droplets at around 3pm slowly became drizzles. All of us took out and put on our raincoats and waited patiently under the rain.

VIPs equipped with umbrellas and raincoats, waiting for the one and only, BigBang.

Me under the rain. Forgive me for my messy hair. It's hard to keep your hair in good condition when it's raining.

Cam-whoring with Cathy. 
Rehearsing music started playing from the stadium then and the crowds got HIGH as initially we thought it was BigBang really rehearsing. All of us cheered and sang along with the rehearsing music. Cathy and I tried to squeeze in front and we successfully did. There were only about 15 persons in front of us. *wink wink*

The gates to the stadium were supposed to open at 5pm. But being in Malaysia, there were delays and all and we had to wait as the organiser kept postponing the gate-opening time. At a little after 6pm, the gates FINALLY opened, and what more can I say, let the HUNGER GAMES begin.

BELIEVE ME, it was ALMOST, if not EXACTLY, like the Hunger Games. If you've watched or read the Hunger Games, you'd know that there's a scene where almost all the tributes ran towards the Cornucopia situated in the middle of the arena as soon as the game began. 
Just a photo extracted from the scene in the Hunger Games to help you visualise the scene. I'd have loved to record down the real thing though! 

And on 27th October 2012, I witnessed and experienced how it was like to be in that scene. As soon as the gate to the stadium opens, ALL THE VIPs took off without hesitation as if their lives depended on it. I asked Cathy to run first as she had the stamina and I was wearing heels. Really, the stadium was FULL OF CHAOS. Hungry fangirls and fanboys running from every direction towards that one destination. ROCKPIT AREA.

Since it was a stadium, there were seats and aisles of stairs. We didn't have time to even think of HOW to go. What matters is the final destination. Just run. Just jump. Just REACH THE ROCKPIT AREA FAST! At a point, I reached a dead end, it was some sort of a cliff which is about 1.6m high I suppose? Main point is, it was blocked with railings. 
Obstacle? BITCH PLEASE.   

 Nothing can stop us VIPs.   
Grabbing hold of my trackbag tightly, I squeezed in between the bottom rail and the ground below the rail (MIND YOU THE GAP WAS SMALL) and literally jumped onto the platform below, skillfully. *uh hum* Before I jumped, I noticed a VIVA car key lying on the edge of the cliff. Some poor overly-excited VIP must've dropped it when they jumped from the 'cliff'. I caught hold of the key and continued my full-engine journey towards the 'cornucopia'.

A little bit Illustration in case you got confused

A better illustration of the previous picture.

Anyway, I reached the ground level after the excellent rabbit-hopping act of mine and quickly made my way to CAT3 area. Sadly the first line was already occupied by VIPs. My super-good-stamina sister had already grabbed a place in the front row and was waving vigorously for me. I ran towards her with all my might with the muddy soil and water splashing behind me.

I saw a guard standing near the stage and passed the car key to him. Hopefully he did pass the car keys to the correct authority and that the VIP could get back his/her key. Glad that I've gained a good Karma too. Haha.

While waiting, we just did some cam-whoring. All of us took out our lightsticks in preparation.

Ah Mee (our newly-made friend), me, and Cathy.

The gigantic curtain with the temporary giant screen on stage.
Crowds starting to fill in all the empty seats.
The left screen beside the stage.
Waiting for BigBang.

We waited for about half and hour, then, I felt a drop of rain falling on my head. I heard more groans as more rain drops showered upon us. I quickly took out the previously-stuffed raincoat from my bag and wore the raincoat again. The rain became heavier into something close to a downpour. Cathy and I put our heads down and prayed hard to God for the rain to stop. It wouldn't do to rain at this effing moment.

didn’tdon’t, and won’t mind listening to them performing under the rain and getting myself all wet. But I WILL MIND to see my lovely oppas perform to us under the rain! They’ll catch a cold and the last thing I want is to see them get sick. T_T AND the floor of the outdoor stage would be all wet and slippery and the whole concert progress would be disrupted. They would also go less to the outdoor part of the stage. THAT WON'T FUCKING DO. I was really panicked that time. All I was thinking was to pray hard for the rain to stop.
2NE1 Global Tour commercial. It was awesome, I feel like going but this concert has rendered me penniless. /.\
BigBang's Tonight playing on the screen.
You can see the downpour here. It was around 7.30pm I think.
The rain fell for nearly an hour. 2 DJs from 988 fm came out at approximately 8.05pm with umbrellas - it was still raining - and talked with us for a couple of minutes. The rain then gradually reduced to light sprinkles and STOPPED ENTIRELY. THANK GOD. =') It was as though God had received all of us VIPs' messages and stopped the rain at the right timing.

10 minutes later, the giant screen on the curtain on stage displayed the front part of the alive concert show. My whole body prickled with excitement and my heartbeat thumped a hundred times harder. This indicated that the concert has started. Loud and excited cheers arose from all sides of the stadium and the uproar was as if a thunderstorm had struck the earth.

Within minutes, seconds even, I’ll be able to see the faces of my five lovely oppas REAL LIFE. Nothing, NOTHING, can beat that anticipation. The video displayed was about the world being in danger and 5 space capsules falling to the earth at high speed from the galaxy. All the 5 capsules crashed onto the ground, and the ALIVE Intro started playing in the background. The gigantic curtain on the stage fell as my heart leaped to my throat.

There, the 5 REAL capsules, containing the REAL G-Dragon, Taeyang, T.O.P, Daesung and Seungri . There, in front of my naked eyes. There, not on music videos, not on fancams, not on Youtube. There, LIVE, in front of me, within reach if I just ran on the stage (ok I won’t do that). There. My tears couldn’t stop from leaking out from the corner of my eyes. Tears of happiness. Of all the wait, now it’s FINALLY HAPPENING. DAMN IT. IT’S REALLY FUCKING HAPPENING.

*Please note: I didn't really remember every single scene and every single word they said in the concert. I mostly extracted words from fancams with the links below.*

They remained in the capsules while the ALIVE Intro continued to play. Looking at them enclosed in the human-sized capsules, I couldn't control my tears. I was screaming and leaping and yelling my lungs out while crying and sobbing at the same time. A hundred different emotions overwhelmed me without mercy and I did nothing to hide them up. I must've looked ugly but I DIDN'T CARE. All I cared about was that FIVE OF THEM WERE FINALLY THERE. IN FRONT OF ME. PERFORMING LIVE.

After the intro, GD shouted, "WHASSUP MALAYSIA? MAKE SOME NOISE!!" and all of them left their capsules. The uproar amplified by goodness knows how many times. They went straight to TONIGHT1 and HANDS UP2. After that, they introduced themselves one by one and GD said, "Finally, WE ARE HERE." That four simple words are so powerful they are capable of make one tear up uncontrollably. Taeyang played the "yeah yeah yeah" game with us where he sang a small part and we followed suit together. It was HIGH AS WELL.

They then performed FANTASTIC BABY3 and it was time for us to perform our RED MISSION. I switched off my crownstick and quickly asked the VIPs near me to light up their red LEDs. The mission was not very successful, to be truthful. But at least more than 50% of the stadium was filled with red sea

They then performed HOW GEE4. Taeyang actually RODE A BICYCLE on stage during this performance. Here's a 58 seconds clip on youtube.

And then GD and TOP were lifted down to the basement with Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri on stage to interact with us. Seungri welcomed us first. I'd extract those words that I like from them. 

Both the links above are recording the same thing but from different point of views. I recommend the 1st fancam as it had better audio and it focused on all three of them. The 2nd fancam was from the front view though. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE QUALITY TO AT LEAST 360p 'CAUSE YOUTUBE AUTOMATICALLY CHANGES QUALITY TO 240p INITIALLY AND THE QUALITY SUCKS.

Seungri said, "No rain can stop us!" and "We are so excitING right now. (sorry oppa but that's a grammatical error there xD) I LOVE this place. This place is AWESOME!" CUTE MAKNAE IS CUTE. x3

Taeyang said, "I hope you guys enjoy the show even though it's raining. I'll do my best even though I'm (did the slipping movement) slipping out." 

Daesung said, "I was preparing for the world tour to see you guys. And then, I'm preparing for new stuffs for you guys. But I can't tell you right now, now you've to wait for it (I COULDN'T catch what he's trying to say for this particular last sentence EVEN THOUGH I'VE REWINDED THE FANCAM FOR LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES, but it should be more or less this, and the "new" thing that he's saying, I think he's coming out with a SOLO album! OMO I CAN'T WAIT)" and then he said, "SO, uh..." and he sort of ran out of words to say, and the WHOLE STADIUM damn it's REALLY THE WHOLE FUCKING STADIUM started chanting his name, "DAESUNG! DAESUNG! DAESUNG!" I shouted together and he said, "I hope you just enjoy the show and... yeah." OMG SO ADORABLE. x3333

Taeyang saved him by saying, "Hey Seungri, why don't you teach them how to dance Fantastic Baby?"

And Seungri taught all of us the famous wiper dance. He said, "... just like a car's wiper..." We danced together and Seungri even BEATBOXED here! Then Taeyang rapped "Aku cinta padamu!" GOSH that rap was OVER THE TOP I tell you, so much SWAG in it. He made it SOUND SO NICE. T_T

Then Taeyang said, "Next stage, Korea's TWO MOST WANTED." Seungri beatboxed AGAIN and they sang the front part of KNOCK OUT. Then GD&TOP came out to perform KNOCK OUT6 and HIGH HIGH7.

In the break between KNOCK OUT and HIGH HIGH, GD played the "I say SWAG you say CHECK" game with TOP doing the beatboxing.

Then it was Seungri's solo, he performed STRONG BABY8 and WHAT CAN I DO9. STRONG BABY was very cool; Seungri was lifted up from the basement to almost 2 meters from the stage with a RIFLE. Fake one of course.

Then they performed GARA GARA GO10, NUMBER 111 and CAFE12.

Then GD and TOP talked to us a bit. AND then IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST HISTORICAL SHORT PERFORMANCE I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFE. Taeyang asked, "I'd like to ask you guys, did you guys check GD's solo album?" We cheered like hell. "Did you guys BUY it?" More cheers, I yelled my lungs out. "REALLY?" CHEERS. AND THEN THEY PERFORMED THE SONG TOGETHER. ACAPELLA STYLE. OMFG. The other members beatboxed and harmonised while GD sang a small part of both CRAYON13 and ONE OF A KIND14


Then Taeyang said, "Let's move on to next stage. Next song, is my favourite song from BigBang. It goes," and he sang acapella, "Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry I'm a Bad Boy~" when he reached the part, "My lay lay lay lay lay lady," they shouted "Oh MALAYSIA!" and we sang "My lay lay lay lay lady!" twice. 

And they performed BAD BOY15
Fancam: Bad Boy << link

And it was BLUE16. My FAVOURITE BIGBANG SONG OF ALL TIME. The song which BROUGHT me to BIGBANG. To KPOP. =') Before they performed this, they went backstage to change to another set of outfit. All of us then switched off our yellow light sticks and switched on the BLUE LED. This mission was a SUCCESS. The whole stadium was filled with BLUE OCEAN. Here's a photo.

Fancam: Blue << link

At 2:51 minute of the video, when Taeyang sang the bridge part of BLUE, the original choreo was that the rest of the members except Tae needed to lie down on the floor. But here you could see that Seungri and TOP DIDN'T LIE down. Only GD and Dae did. And Dae was kinda hesitant at first, it seemed like he only lied down AFTER seeing GD lying down. And you can see Ri laughing and Dae smiling at around 3:02 to 3:05. So an initial guess was that they were hesitant whether to lie down due to the wet floor caused by the rain, Ri and TOP decided not to, while Dae followed GD and GD, being the leader, set a good example by lying down despite the wet floor.
BUT the fancams of Phillipines and Indonesia showed that TOP and and Ri DIDN'T lie down in the concerts there too. SO, the mystery of why they smiled and laughed at that point remains a mystery. *sigh* I hope some one would just clarify. Seeing them laugh but not knowing WHAT or WHY IS KILLING ME INSIDE.

They then performed LOVE SONG17, MONSTER18 and FEELING19.

Then it was Taeyang's solo time. He sang LOOK ONLY AT ME20 and WEDDING DRESS21. During the Wedding Dress perf, one of the most AWESOME scenes in the concert happened. Taeyang was just starting to sing Wedding Dress and he was walking with full swag in the middle to the front stage. Unfortunately the wet floor caused him to slip and he lost balance. BUT, he did not fall down, he just sort of slip and slid his way through the stage. And when he recovered, he CONTINUED SINGING the song STRAIGHT AWAY! DO YOU KNOW HOW FUGGIN' PROFESSIONAL THAT IS? But later he sort of got shaken and he couldn't remember the lyrics, so he sort of sang his way through by humming without lyrics. Whatever it is, HE WAS IN TOTAL CONTROL OF THE STAGE. NO SLIPPING AIN'T AFFECT HIS PERFORMANCE. Have a look here on the part where he slipped LIKE A BOSS.

Then it was Daesung's turn to solo. He performed WINGS22. But since it's an outdoor stadium and hence, stage, Daesung couldn't 'FLY' like he did in all the other concerts. They couldn't hang him since the stage wasn't indoor and the temporary stage's gonna be so dangerous. But never mind, I've already expected no flying action since it's open-air. Nonetheless, HE STILL PERFORMED IT SUPER WELL. Total control of his vocal just the way he is. AND, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT when he bowed and shook and swung his head HARD whenever it's the 'YA YA YA YA YA YA' part. It made him look like he really ENJOYED performing in front of us, which I believe and KNOW he DID.

There's a story behind WINGS, you know. Oh well, just in case some of you did now know. Let me tell you here. :)

After the accident in 2011, Daesung didn't have the courage to look at the fans in the eye. He admitted to GD in the 15th Anniversary YG Family Concert in 2011 that he couldn't perform middle tempo songs anymore because he could not stand to make eye contact with his fans. He felt scared. He could manage slow ballad, 'cause for sad songs, he just needed to sing and look down at the floor. For fast upbeat songs, he'd be busy dancing and moving around and could easily avoid eye contact with his fans. But for middle tempo songs, he HAD to make eye contact with his fans. He has no choice. Upon hearing Dae's confession, GD felt really sad for his dongsaeng and was determined to compose a middle tempo song for Dae. He wanted, no, he needed, to let Dae stand up again. He also personally requested that Dae wrote the lyrics to this song. GD dedicated it to Dae as a full SOLO.
[Source:   120309 SBS BigBang Comeback Show]

So that's it. This song has a special meaning behind it. It's a song of support to Daesung. It's a song of strength and hope for him; to let him know that we VIPs would be here for him no matter what. 

Here's the fancam in the concert.

And that it was HARU HARU23. This, again, marked yet another memorable scene during the night. They performed it in white tuxedos, seated. It was reaching the end of the concert, hence, the atmosphere's kinda sad already. At the chorus part after the BRIDGE, GD said, "You guys know this song right? Please sing it for me, alright now come on now!" And we sang along. It was LOUD. And it was EFFING AWESOME. You guys should REALLY check it out. 

Fancam: HARU HARU << link
And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch it in HD! 720p will do 'cause the vid'll load real slow at 1080p if your internet connection is not fast; or if it's still slow please at least 480p. I know they did the same thing to every country and all the other VIPs were loud too. But I've noticed out of all the countries that they performed in - Yes I've watched every fancams in the other countries, well almost all - ONLY in Malaysia - and also the most recent one in Newark, US (121108) - did GD actually said BEAUTIFUL when we sang. Watch the link above and you'll hear it. I literally CRIED again when I watched the fancam. It was indeed beautiful. T_T And DO watch the video till the end, at around 4:40, GD made a sigh and then a POUTY face followed by A SMILE. It was as though he really felt sad as it's towards the end of the concert already and he needed to leave us Malaysian VIPs. AND NO HE DIDN'T DO THE SIGH AND THE POUTY FACE AND THE SMILE IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Correct me if I'm wrong though, 'cause some of the fancams I've watched didn't focus on GD so it's hard to see.

Anyway, since it was HARU HARU, it meant that it was our MISSION time. Mission. Code. 3. Happy. Birthday. TOP. *robotic voice* This part was what made my day, no, my month, OKAY OKAY MY YEAR OR MY DECADE. Towards the end of the song (which was the part at the end of the video), we pulled out the "Happy Birthday TOP" banner and raised it up high above our heads. TOP was in the centre of the stage when all of us took our banners out but he was slowly approaching our side and he stopped RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SECTION. CAT3 Section A.


There he was, looking at us holding the banner up high, scanning the crowd, slowly absorbing the situation. But the song hadn't ended yet, they did another chorus of HARU HARU so the other members kept on singing. But TOP was stunned for a second there. I KNOW  BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I was in the 2nd row. He slowly read our banners and it was obvious he was downright stunned. Taken aback. Speechless. All in all his expression was just PRICELESS. Then realization melted in and he caught what’s going on. His face changed from stunned to I dunno, acknowledgement? Touched? It was hard to read; I was too excited

After the song was completed, we sang the birthday song to TOP, it was not very syncrhonised as damn it, there were fucking 15,000 people of us. CAT2 and CAT3’s VIPs sang together while the others from other CATs sang at their own speed. But we kept on singing and later it became synchronised. TOP and the others slowly walked back to the inner part of the stage and said "thank you so much." He was OBVIOUSLY at a LOSS FOR WORDS. 

And we've ruined their plan to talk in sequence, apparently. Kekeke. GD was supposed to talk about this reaching the end of the concert and stuffs at this point but he couldn't 'cause we were singing the birthday song all along. Everyone was expecting TOP to talk more but he just stood there staring at us, being the bingu TOP that he is. x33 Taeyang, being spontaneous as ever, kept saying, "TOP! Happy Birthday!!" And Daesung chanted, "Give us some moves! Give us some moves!" TOP could only laugh shyly. Then, GD kinda urge-scold him in Korean. I can only catch the word "MAJIMAG" which I know means "LAST". Then TOP started speaking in Korean too; just a few sentences though. I can catch "saengil chukhahe" which means Happy Birthday. He might have jokingly said, "Happy Birthday to myself!" Not knowing what they're talking about is KILLING ME inside. I really need people who know korean to help me translate. T_T After his short korean speech, he said "TERIMA KASIH" << that's THANK YOU in MALAY and "Kamsahapnida".
And finally GD said, "Now the show is heading to the end."

Due to the epicness of this scene, I've included 2 links here, from different points of view.

TOP's expression.
5.00 was the point where we hold our banners up. You can really see the surprised face of TOP here, albeit only for a short moment.
4:35 was the point where we hold our banners up. You can see Seungri nodding his head in acknowledgement here.

Then it was their last talking session.

Highlights of their talk that I like:

Taeyang : "Even though it's time to say goodbye, BUT, we promise, we're gonna (be) here VERY SOON." They practically said the same thing in every other countries. SO WE SHOULD BE EXPECTING ANOTHER WORLD TOUR COMING. HAHA.

GD : "This is our first night in Malaysia, we'll NEVER FORGET tonight. Absolutely amazing you guys. Every day, every night, we have a number of shows, but you are the BEST." Okay might be scripted, but again, I'll choose to believe him. =')

TOP : "Tonight is all for you. I'll remember every single faces. Please take care. Till the day we meet again." Yes he remembers my face. -3-

Seungri : "I LOVE THIS PLACE! You're the best crowd EVER! I KNEW that you guys would be there for us EVEN THOUGH IT'S RAINING!" Cute maknae unleashing his adorable mode. I really like this sentence, 'know we'll be there for them even though it's raining'. It's his way of thanking us to still wait for them under the rain for almost an hour or more just for them. AND IT's DEFINITELY NOT SCRIPTED. :)

Daesung : "This tour is very special to me. So happy to visit all of you guys, all over the world. We will try our best for you guys. Also, I WILL BE, I'll try my best for you guys too." He made a mistake when he said the last sentence and he laughed his daesung's laugh. ADORABLE.

Then it was LIES24.
Fancam: LIES << link
TOP made a LOVE SHAPE with both his hands on his head at 2:17. I think he got more hyped up after our birthday song. He even danced a funny dance in the Encore later. x3


This was another EPIC performance. I'm not sure whether it was Daesung or Seungri, but they did something which triggered GD's funny bone at 1:11. He was laughing uncontrollably and had to lie down on the floor for a while because he just couldn't control it. EPIC ya know? I've seen such scenes on Youtube videos before, but I WATCHED THE WHOLE FUCKING THING LIVE. He was just TOO ADORABLE. But I'm really DYING to know why he laughed. Dae was singing his part and Ri was dancing his part. So what was the trigger point? GD, GD oppa, YOU CAN'T LAUGH FOR NO REASON. Your laughter is EQUIVALENT to TOP's killing stare, you know that?

And then Daesung was like, ya know, his normal adorable blur state, looking at GD with a “What?”, BUT still following the dance steps and dancing looking confused. SHO CUTE. At the end of the song, all of us made an ‘L’ shape with our fingers.

And it was ENCORE time.

This meant that it was our mission time. Oh well, how do I say this, not many VIPs memorised the lyrics. My sister and I sang at the TOP of our lungs along with some VIPs in our section  and CAT2 (but my sister and I only memorised 75% of the lyrics and we didn't have the lyrics card with us to refer to), but the rest of the stadium were shouting "Encore! Encore!" We had no choice but to follow suit. Our combined voices weren't loud enough. It's a shame but it's honestly a hard mission to do, if we were successful though, I BET it would be BIGBANG's MOST MEMORABLE concert EVER.

But NEVERTHELESS, I think we did badly in the ENCORE part. I didn't think it was enough. From what I remember, the encore wasn't very loud. I really hope this won't affect their impression mark on Malaysians. :( 

But anyway, Taeyang came out and said "YO, MALAYSIA!". He sang, "What the hell are you waiting for?" and said, "Do you want more?". And they performed HEAVEN26, BAD BOY27, FANTASTIC BABY28 and HANDS UP29

This was the Fantastic Baby part, taken by Seungri using S3 and uploaded through the BIGBANG channel on Youtube. I WAS IN THERE. I was jumping and shouting like a crazy maniac when his S3 passed by and recorded my section. But it was real fast and blurry so I couldn't spot myself in the video at all. Cathy and Shy Chyi are damn lucky though, we could make out their faces in there.  /.\ Never mind, at least I know I was IN there. 

From the encore video in Malaysia uploaded by BIGBANG.

Here are some photos I've cropped out of the videos Shy Chyi has taken in the concert. They are kinda blur 'cause the videos are shaky. =/ ALL of the pictures below were from our point of view.

This was taken EXACTLY from where we were. Yes we were just THAT close. No zooming effect here. Only a little bit, maybe.

 Seungri's Strong Baby perf.

 Daesung, OMFG. He's really TOO CUTE. He had MOST of my attention during the concert. I just HAD to focus on him; and it's because of the concert that I've finally know who are my BIAS.

GD, my other BIAS.

GDae <3 I ship GRi though, haha

Where were you looking at Daesung?

 Taeyang during HANDS UP perf.

 The handsome maknae walking towards our direction!

I think he really DID look into the camera Shy Chyi was holding. 

 T.O.P with his cool glasses.

During one of the songs after the TOP Birthday mission - I can't remember which, it was either LIES or LAST FAREWELL, TOP came to our side and I quickly pulled out the birthday banner and raised it UP HIGH. None of the VIPs were doing so as the mission was already over. So I was kinda outstanding with the BRIGHT PINK banner up high. TOP was scanning the crowd with his killing stare and he STOPPED HIS SIGHT AT MY BANNER and DROPPED HIS GAZE and LOOKED RIGHT INTO MY EYES. I'm pretty sure he did 'cause he was looking at MY banner BEFORE he dropped his sight to my eyes. I got electrified for a few seconds there. I mean, come on, his stare is enough to stun you big time just through videos on computers. IMAGINE MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH HIM LIVE, with just a mere 2 or 3 meters distance between us.  I'm lucky I'm still alive. It was like he was staring right through my soul. I know I know it only lasted for 1 second at most but it's enough already. I'm contented. I'm glad I had a rather wide smile on my face when he looked at me too.

Then, during the ENCORE sessions, TOP came to our section and SAT IN FRONT OF US. The distance was closed up to only 1.5 meters. I THINK I MUST BE ONE OF THE LUCKIEST PERSONS ALIVE. He only sat on three locations in the concert if I'm not mistaken; and there were SO MANY points on stage he could've sat, but he has CHOSEN to sit in front us, at our section, WITH US. I don't know but, I think it's because he noticed the birthday banners from our sections first, with all our smiling faces looking back at him. He absorbed the whole thing in our area and I guess he wanted to thank us properly. So he came to our side and just sat there. He tried to look at everyone in the eyes. This was obvious. He didn't just focus on any certain parts. His head turned from the leftmost part to the rightmost, scanning the crowd, trying to make sure he didn't miss out anyone. It was as though he was really trying to remember every single faces of ours, just like what he's said before just now. He looked at my direction during his scanning act but I was not too sure whether he made another direct eye contact with me this time, or was it just in my direction only.

During the ENCORE, all the members threw shirts and stuffs to us. They mainly focused on the people in the middle, so I didn't get any, but I didn't mind. I knew how TIRING it was to be stuck in the middle of the over-enthusiastic crowd. We came early and we were lucky to have secured ourselves the first 2 rows of the area. For those who didn't and had to get jam-packed with all the sweaty and sticky bodies of the other VIPs around them, they were really pitiful. First, if you're short, you won't have enough air to breath. Second, you couldn't see BigBang at a closer distance.

At a point in the concert, I got really dizzy and uncomfortable. I was stupid enough - replay the song above - to not eat anything at all after just the mere 2 pieces of sandwich and hashbrown and fries in the morning plus some junk food in the afternoon. I didn't think it'd matter 'cause I'd be too busy looking at my oppas. I was wrong. DEAD wrong. Without the right glucose level, I didn't have the energy I would have had during the night. I was REALLY HIGH in the first few songs, like really really high, but later on my energy was kinda worn out. I was also pushed back by some VIPs and got myself stuck in the 3rd row. It. was. SUFFOCATING. Really. It felt like the scene in the Phantom of the Opera, where the Eric the Phantom trapped Raoul in the torture chamber. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but it didn't feel good. I'm not tall albeit on heels - I was only about 165cm after the heels - and the lack of air was really suffering.

A VIP even had to be lifted out from our area 'cause she was close to fainting. I helped lifted her out by pushing her butt up hard - please no homo - and got myself in the 2nd row again. I was thirsty to death - my water bottle was already empty even before the concert start - and even requested for water from the guard but to no avail. But all these didn't stop me from get all hyped up. It was a RARE opportunity that my oppas can come and I'm not gonna allow some temporary discomfort to get in my way of fully enjoying the concert.

At a point, Daesung went to our side but more towards CAT1 VIPs and threw everything in his hand - shirts etc - to the crowd. Then on his way back to the middle stage, TOP asked him something in Korean - I can’t hear him they were further away from where I stood - and Daesung looked at him with his usual blur face and nodded. My guess was that TOP asked him whether he threw all the stuffs just at one side (our side), and Daesung nodded. LOLOL. Then he  kept on splashing water to the crowd. I only got a little of the splashes. I saw one VIP in the internet saying she got splashed FOUR TIMES. JELLY ME IS JELLY. He drank a lil from the 500ml plastic bottle he was holding and splashed the entire remaining to the VIPs with 2 mega swerves. Then he threw the empty bottle to the VIPs.

After the third song of ENCORE, GD asked which song we wanted and Cathy and I and some other VIPs in CAT2 yelled UNTIL WHENEVER at the top of our lungs but they couldn't hear and sang HANDS UP anyway.

And after the last song, BEFORE they went in, TOP gave all of us Malaysian VIPs an AMAZING gift. He gave us the most adorable dance that you could not get anywhere in his performance. He got a LOT more hyped up after our birthday song to him and allowed us see the active side of him instead of continue acting cool the way he does these days. GD sang-rapped "Happy Birthday" with the impromptu beats by the instrumental crew and Daesung doing the harmony. T_T TOP finished his dance in a nice LOVE shape with both his hands on top of his head - as in the case in LIES just now - and it was Taeyang's turn to DANCE. TOP rapped "Teydaddy, tey, teydaddy" while GD made random "tey tey tey tey" sounds in the background to match the raps. Taeyang took off his shirt - FINALLY - while he danced here. The government in Malaysia is kinda strict on stripping off on stage, so Tae couldn't strip like he always did in the other countries.

Fancam: TOP dancing + shirtless Taeyang << a MUST-WATCH link

And they went in, marking the end of the Alive Galaxy Tour in Malaysia. Marking the start of my misery. The first thing I did when I left the stadium was to buy water before my throat shriveled up due to utter dehydration. The traffic jammed for more than an hour for a route of less than 0.5km and I remember the first thing I did when i reached home was to cleanse myself up and then I was struck unconscious once I hit my oh-so-wonderful bed.

These are some of the things I've learnt from the life experience in the concert. Each of them have their own unique way of interacting with ROCKPIT Zone fans. They stood right in front of us and interacted with their own ways.

GD – Doing small dances and bowing gentlemanly 
Taeyang – Dancing
TOP – Scanning the crowd with a small smile, trying to make eye contact with everyone; sitting on the edge of certain points of the stage and sit there staring at his fans
Daesung – Smiling widely and waving to fans
Seungri – Jumping around enthusiastically and asking the crowd to jump and get high together, keep arousing the VIPs to have more power and ohm, just like a little kid

I got some comments off of Youtube:

YES YES I know I shouldn't be COMPARING with other countries but comments like this make me happy so just SHUT IT. 

When I woke up the next morning, everything was fine. I washed myself and changed into fresh new clothes before going downstairs to surf the Internet. My body ached from the excessive 'exercise' I did the night before especially on both my arms - due to prolonged hours of holding the crownstick up high. As soon as I opened my twitter page and the Youtube homepage, hot tears started trickling at the corner of my eyes. I couldn't control it; I didn't even choose to cry. One moment I was all fine, the next second I was crying like a baby in front of the computer. It was a Sunday; everyone was not at home except Cathy - still sleeping upstairs - and me. So I could cry my heart out without worrying about being found out.

I sobbed hard. Like really hard. I noticed that my twitter timeline was flooded with excited after-thoughts of the concert; youtube was full of the fancams taken and uploaded by efficient VIPs. But I couldn't stop myself. I sobbed even harder while watching the fancams. I thought about all the unforgettable moments I had in the concert last night; I thought about GD, about Daesung, about TOP, about Taeyang and Seungri; about the fact that it would be a LONG TIME till I'll really meet them again; about the fact that despite the EFFING AWESOME night they gave us last night, it's gonna bring goodness-knows-how-long-it'll-last of sorrow, of despair, of agony whenever I thought of losing them again. 

It's like a little kid given his favourite toy to play for the day, and the next day when he woke up, the toy was gone, disappeared. It's like attending a camp and making new friends and getting close with each other, only to reach the last day where you need to say goodbye and wonder when you'll ever meet again. It's like visiting your cousins when you were a little kid, where you played and talked and had fun together during the stay in their house, and when it's the end of your holiday, you cried and threw a tantrum because you just didn't want to leave them. The feeling was the same but maybe a hundred times worse.

Cathy woke up later and found me in tears. She couldn't control herself and broke down as well. The feeling sucked. We spent almost the whole day to watch all the fancams of the concert - it ruined my plan to study for the day. My exams dates were closing in fast - there were just another 4 days - and I got a hard time trying to control my emotions mentally. I guess that's what they called post-concert-depression syndrome. But the condition gets a thousand times worse when you've got an important exam coming. I managed to compose myself and focused instead on my Study Texts and notes and Revision Kits. I did okay in the first 2 papers I THINK, but the 3rd paper was just, god damn hard. Even the smartest in my course had to admit its difficulty level. Anyways, I'm over those now. I'm gonna focus on  my coming papers in December and let bygones be bygones. And because of the concert, I've studied pretty early, like as soon as my semester kicks off, because I knew that the concert day was really close to my finals. It's another positive thing BigBang has changed in me. *wink*

Anyway, just a little something to add on. GD and Taeyang went to shop in Pavillion and KLCC the next day - the day I broke down terribly. Dae and Ri were training in the gym of their hotels while TOP was nowhere to be seen. GD spent a FREAKIN' RM40,000 in VERSACE at KLCC.

A snapshot of VERSACE in KLCC

My crazy GD with his crazy shopping spree. RM40,000 is a HUGE amount in Malaysia, at least when you spent it in just A SINGLE TRANSACTION. It's roughly USD 13,050. Imagine that. We could already buy a local car here with THAT amount of money.

On the other hand, my always-that-thrifty Taeyang didn't buy anything (I think) EXCEPT a Malaysian detergent called TOP. 

A snapshot of our local brand of laundry detergent, TOP.

YES there's actually a detergent brand in Malaysia for laundry named TOP. In fact, I grew up watching its advertisement and listening to its commercial song. There's a catchy song that goes like, "T. O. P. TOP!". I knew this detergent WAY before I knew who the hell was TOP from BigBang. Haha. 

Here's a link to the TOP advertisement (listen to the end and you'll hear the T.O.P song)

And FINALLY, FINALLY, T_T I've FINISHED writing my BLOG. GOD I never knew I'd need to spend SO MUCH TIME to write it. I initially only planned 2 days. It's been FOUR DAYS already PLUS another TWO DAYS which I've used to create this new blog and the 2 new posts earlier. 6 days in total. But I needed to do this. I'm a sucker for remembering details.

27th October 2012 is dated one of the days I'll never forget in my life. You don't easily forget the day where history is created, right? ;)

Last but not LEAST, PLEASE remember to vote for BigBang in MAMA EVERYDAY. They've has been SO BUSY doing the Alive Tour this year for us global VIPs, it's TIME we RETURN them with our own appreciation. Think of how hardworking they are for ALL OF US. Please don't disappoint them, TOP once said that VIPs are lazy when it comes to voting, we need to change that perception.

VIPs hwaiting~! >)

Till then,
Carmen N.
VIP Until Whenever~